Nutrition and Agronomy are critical to the performance of your herd. At Renaissance Nutrition, we call the precise integration of these two elements Nutronomy™. A good ration begins with quality forages and then combines this with other appropriate ingredients. Renaissance offers seed for highly digestible forage, along with research-tested inoculants and preservatives that can aid in the preservation of your forages. Our expert nutritional consultants will work hand-in-hand with you, incorporating your forages into your ration for optimum results.
At Renaissance, we are dedicated to helping you in every aspect of your farming operation, including what you plant, acre-after-acre. We are determined to learn as much as we can about your operation and your needs, working with you field-by-field to select just the right seed product that can maximize your potentials for yields, nutritional value, and ultimately your profitability. We work with companies that bring top hybrids with the best technologies, in order to achieve the best possible yields and nutritional quality on your farm. We offer numerous research-tested BMR’s, small grains, grasses, triticale hybrids, alfalfa varieties and much more. What you plant and what you harvest impacts the productivity and profitability of your dairy operation. We offer research-tested hybrids that make a positive difference to your rations.
Using a quality preservative or inoculant can help to “lock-in” the nutritional value of ensiled forage, aiding the fermentation process. To get the best value from silage you need the best in harvesting and ensiling techniques, and an investment in quality inoculants or preservatives. We carry high quality, research-tested, and farm-proven inoculants including the Biotal-Buchneri line from Lallemand Animal Nutrition and the Silo Solve line from Chr Hansen Animal Nutrition. Renaissance also carries the industry leader in preservatives for quality results, Kemin Industries’ Silage Savor® and Fresh Cut® Plus products.
REN-YIELD Dry is a custom-formulated soil and seed treatment, designed to enhance forage yield, growth and quality. It is a unique blend of bacteria and fungi, including endomycorrhizae, which promotes vigorous plant growth from the moment of planting. This forage growth stimulant is known to impact the development of plants through a mutually-beneficial and symbiotic relationship between the plant roots and the product’s microorganisms in just a 2 – 4 oz dose per bag of seed.